Pekka Defining business requirements When going towards ERP project the enterprise can use two main approaches. Either they first collect requirements for the system or they first select the product and/or vendor and then map the require... ERP basics syysk. 2, 2022
Pekka Why ERP? Usual goal with ERP, as accordingly would be stated in business or IT strategy, is to unify the systems, processes and data used in the corporate. Rationale may lay in leveraging development work: cos... ERP basics syysk. 1, 2022
Pekka toiminnanohjaus Toiminnanohjausjärjestelmät (englanniksi ERP = enterprise resource planning) viittaa tietojärjelmiin, joilla hallitaan yrityksen sitoumuksia ja tapahtumia (myyntitilauksia, ostoja, tuotantoa, työsopim... ERP basics elok. 28, 2022